Book of Change
PSOCM (annotated)
People Sustained Organizational Change Management (PSOCM®) - Annotated
(an open source change management system)
Phase I – Initiate the Organizational Assessment
Step 1.0 First Steps
Problem identification/Scoping
Starts at the Top[i] [ii]
Organizational Change Management Plan
Communication Plan[iii] [iv]
Human Dynamic[v] [vi]
Step 2.0 Program Kick-Off
Initial Group Meeting
Setting Ground Rules
Employee Involvement
Step. 3.0 Data Collection/Assessment/Analysis[vii]
Existing Vision, Mission, Strategy
Cultural Assessment[viii]
Document Review
Performance Measurement/Benchmarking[ix]
Step 4.0 Stakeholder[x] Feedback[xi]
Structured Interviews
Focus Groups
Open Houses
Phase II - Implement Organizational Change
Step 5.0 Preliminary Diagnosis[xii]
Step 6.0 Planning Change[xiii]/Designing Interventions[xiv]
Step 7.0 Implementing Change/Action
Process Mapping[xv]
Reengineering Process[xvi]
Step 8.0 Restructuring Organization/Managing Change
Mixed Implementation
Strategic Planning[xvii]
Step 9.0 Institutionalize Change
Carrot and Stick[xviii]
Executive Leadership Coaching
Employee Training and Development
Cross Functional Training
Customer Service Training
Team Building
Procedures Manual
Establish Performance Measures/Expectations[xix]
Performance Appraisal/Management
Total Quality Management
Phase III – Maintain Organizational Development
Step 10.0 Maintenance
Monitoring Performance/Perception
Sustaining Change Program
Continuous Improvement[xx]
[i] Change efforts must include plans for identifying leaders throughout the company and pushing responsibility for design and implementation down, so that change cascades through the organization.
[ii] The leaders must embrace the new approaches first, both to challenge and to motivate the rest of the organization. They must speak with one voice and model the desired behaviors.
[iii] The articulation of a formal case for change and the creation of a written vision statement are invaluable opportunities to create or compel leadership-team alignment. Four steps: (1) confront reality and articulate a convincing need for change. (2) demonstrate faith that the organization has a viable future and the leadership to get there. (3) provide a road map to guide behavior and decision making. (4) leaders must customize the message for the various internal/external audiences in terms that matter to individuals.
[iv] The best change programs reinforce core messages through regular, timely advice that is both inspirational and practical. Communications flow from the bottom to the top and are targeted to provide employees the right information at the right time and solicit their input and feedback. Often this will this will require overcommunication through multiple, redundant channels.
[v] Any significant transformation creates people issues. New leaders will be asked to step up, jobs will be changed, new skills and capabilities must be developed, and employees will be uncertain and resistant. Dealing with these issues on a reactive, case-by-case basis puts speed, morale and results at risk.
[vi] Ownership is created by involving people in identifying and solving problems. It is reinforcing by incentives and rewards that can be tangible (financial) or psychological (prestige).
[vii] Need to define the organizational performance audit/assessment process.
[viii] Company culture is shared history, explicit values/beliefs, and common attitudes/behaviors. Change programs can involve: (1) Creating a new culture (combining cultures in mergers/acquisitions), or (2) Reinforcing existing ones. Understanding that all organizations have a cultural center – the locus of thought, activity, influence, or personal identification – is an effective way to jump-start or stabilize culture change.
[ix] Performance efficiency, cost-effectiveness, productivity, profitability.
[x] Stakeholders groups are different when it comes to the private-sector or public-sector. These stakeholders (beneficiaries) are: (1) Internal – elected board, appointed managers, line staff, contractors, vendors. (2) External – consumer/constituents, special interest groups/lobbyists (voters, business, chamber of commerce, developers, environmentalists, neighborhood activists).
[xi] They are arranged in order of use so that one category feeds information
[xii] The first cut of what might be the problem sets. Where is the final diagnosis? How to go about getting to the final diagnosis?
[xiii] Change is also innovation.
[xiv] Identify risks, constraints, and mitigation measures.
[xv] Process, policies, procedures, practices, services, regulations.
[xvi] Economic impact statement (what will any given action cost?).
[xvii] The change management approach should be fully integrated into program design and decision making, both informing and enabling strategic direction.
[xviii] Highly visible rewards such a promotions, recognition, and bonuses, should be provided as dramatic reinforcement for embracing change. Sanction or removal of people standing in the way of change will reinforce the organization’s commitment. It is important to keep in mind that people who are resistant to change may be happier elsewhere.
[xix] Where to create and establish measurable outcomes?
[xx] No change program goes completely according to plan. People react in unexpected ways, areas of anticipated resistance disappear, and external environments shift. Effectively managing change requires continual reassessment of its impact and the organization’s willingness and ability to adopt the next wave of transformation. Leaders can then make the adjustments necessary to maintain momentum and drive results that are informed by real data from the field and support by information and solid decision-making processes.